
Hepaton N Syrup

Hepaton N Syrup


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Hepaton N Syrup is a herbal liver tonic containing Kasni, Kakmachi, Arjuna, Kasmarda, Jhavuka, Kutki, Bhringraj, Bhumyalaki, Punarnava, Guduchi, Daruhaldi, Munaka, Chlralta, Vidang, and Haritaki. The liver is one of the most vital organs in our body. It has a wide range of functions, including detoxification, protein synthesis, helping to regulate hormone activity, and production of biochemicals necessary for digestion. Benefits of Hepaton N Syrup: Boosts liver system Heals infective hepatitis Reduces liver disease Enhances secretion of antioxidant enzymes and protects the liver from free radicals and toxins. Helps to reduce fat accumulation in the liver Helpful in Loss of Appetite Hepaton N Syrup cures anemia, hepatomegaly and combats Jaundice, indigestion, and loss of appetite, anorexia and various abdominal disorders. Use under medical supervision. Key Ingredients

SKU: AMID2022424236 Category:
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