
U Gyanetone Syrup

U Gyanetone Syrup


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U-Gyanetone is a non-hormonal preparation indicated for treatment of gynecological disorders. Role of Key ingredients: U-Gyanetone conatins Ashoka, Lodhra, Shatavari, Ashwagandha and Manjishtha. Ashoka by virtue of its astringent properties stimulates the uterus, making helpful contractions more frequent and regularizes the interval between two cycles. Lodhra relieves excessive menstrual bleeding. Shatavari rejuvenates and nourishes the reproductive system. Ashwagandha acts as tranquilizer, calms the mind and relieves tension, headaches, and nervousness. Herbal preparations are safe and have multiple active compounds that provide a synergistic effect. U-Gyanetone is indicated for irregular menstrual cycle, dysfunctional uterine bleeding, menorrhagia, dysmenorrhea, metrorrhagia and premenstrual syndrome. Directions of use: Take two teaspoonfuls twice a day till symptoms persist. Use under medical supervision Products similar to U Gyanetone Syrup

SKU: AMID2022413186 Category:
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