
SBL Sabadilla Dilution 12 CH

SBL Sabadilla Dilution 12 CH


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SBL Sabadilla Dilution is a homoeopathic remedy which has various health benefits. Formulated with Sabadilla seeds, it is useful in treating acute hay fever. It acts on the mucous membrane of the nose and the lachrymal glands that are present in the eyes. It is also effective in treating soreness of throat. This remedy is also indicated for parasitic nematode infestation. Key Ingredients: Sabadilla Key Benefits: Provides relief from redness with watering of eyes Relieves from burning pain in eyes Helps in treating running nose with sneezing Useful in curing coryza Provides relief from sore throat and pain while swallowing Useful in treating female problems like delayed periods Helps in reducing inflammation in toe nails Helps in healing dry and parched skin Directions For Use Dosage should be directed by the physician. It can be safely taken along with other allopathic medicines. Safety Information: Read the label carefully before use Keep out of the reach of children Use under medical supervision Do not exceed the recommended dosage Maintain half an hour gap between food,drink and any other medicines and homoeopathic medicine Avoid any strong smell in the mouth while taking medicine e.g. camphor, garlic, onion, coffee and hing Store in a cool and dry place

SKU: AMID2022380192 Category:
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