
Nano-Leo Capsule

Nano-Leo Capsule


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Nano-Leo Capsule is made up of natural ingredients that may help in improving sexual health in men. It may be used to improve erections and help one last longer in bed. It could be used to counter male erectile dysfunction and boost testosterone levels in the body. Key Ingredients: Tribulus terrestris Mucuna pruriens Ginkgo biloba Yohimbe bark Zinc L-Arginine Key Benefits: Tribulus terrestris is traditionally used as general tonic and across the world to promote sexual health L-Dopa from Mucuna pruriens is a precursor of neurotransmitter dopamine, that helps to improve libido and arousal L-Arginine supplementation enhances endotheliumd ependant vasodilation by increasing nitric oxide (NO) production Ginkgo biloba leaf extract contains Terpenoids ( Ginkgolides and Bilobalides ) and Flavonoids which may improve erectile function Yohimbine is the active component in Yohimbe bark extract. Yohimbine is effective in helping manage impotence andmay improve the quality and duration of erections Directions For Use: Use as directed by the physician. Safety Information: Read the label carefully before use Store in a cool dry place away from direct sunlight Keep out of reach of the children

SKU: AMID2022380729 Category:
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